Beck, Bible, Book of Mormon and the Self Fulfilling Prophesy

glenn-beckGlen Beck is a smart man. The problem is that he lives in a world prophesied not in the world as it is. Something you must understand about him is that he examines facts and world events only in the the framework of Armageddon and Christian superiority. You can understand his reports and his predictions only if you understand that a lot of it is based in Christian and Mormon theology. Have you ever wondered why Mormons tend to love to listen to him? He tells them that their prophesies are coming true. (and because he is a very well know Mormon “did you know Glen Beck is a Mormon?”). I recently listened to a tirade from him about Christiane Amanpour. He talked about how she made his life hard when he worked at CNN and said that she hates Jews and that she hates western ideology. She was speaking recently or better ranting about our Syrian chemical weapons problem and she said, “as bad as it is to decapitate somebody,” it is “by no means equal” to death by “weapons of mass destruction.” He freaked out talking about how horrible it would be to die by a beheading. He forgets that as terrifying as it would be to die that way, it is not that painful when compared to a chemical weapon and that a beheading is rather specific and aimed at a specific target, and you are not likely to accidentally chop off the head of a random person in the street when you swing your weapon. Weapons of mass destruction like chemical weapons are terrible because they are like rain, they kill everyone, woman, child, man, dog. Glen Beck has proposed that we let them continue fighting and using chemical weapons rather than intervene. Rather than make sure the precedent stays set that these weapons will not be used. Beck goes on to reiterate that these weapons will be used on Jews in Israel and Christians in the region and hints at the final war before the coming of Christ. To understand Beck you have to know that he does not use political theory or history to make predictions and form the framework to how he sees the middle east. He uses vague religious script and prophecy.

A Presidents Dilemma

ImageObama is in a tight spot over Syria. If he goes along with the deal he has to back off Military efforts (which he doesn’t even have permission yet) and he will look like he can be bullied. If he stands his ground he risks losing support in the Legislature and then Syria will get away with using Chemical weapons. It may seem strange to us why Russia is even involved but Russia is an strong ally of Syria. Russia is why it is impossible for international action to take place because they block any efforts in the Security Council. Putin is playing a game and because he doesn’t follow the rules he looks like he has come out ahead. I also think the op-ed piece written in the New York Times is kind of Putin’s version of revenge for when President Obama met with Russian gay rights groups and that he has spoken out about Russia’s treatment of gays. The article seeks to cause him to lose support among voters and through the voters legislators making an attack unlikely. Republicans and Fox News are not helping as some of the legislators and pundits are praising Putin for standing up and arguing against war and making efforts to paint rebel forces in a poor light. (not that they are saints) What people don’t seem to understand is that Syria is one of Russia’s allies in the area and that they have been arming them for years. Were the United States to get involved in Syria then it would be similar to when we did in Afghanistan. Unlike Russia we have checks and balances that work and in the case of international diplomacy that can put us in a weaker position than other nations. To say that President Obama has screwed this situation is unfair because he is dong what he is supposed to. I guess he could make up a reason to attack them (like they plan on using weapons of mass destruction against us) and then attack and get us into an unnecessary war that effects our diplomacy for years to come, but lets return to the limited no boots on the ground war at hand. If there are any misinformed portions of this post please let me know and I will look into it and post an edit and even change my opinion. I admit I can be wrong.

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